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Example tools


The example tools are built by adding an option --all to the cargo build command. They are generated and saved in the directory ./target/release/.


Run the quic server

./tquic_server -c cert.crt -k cert.key -l

The server is configured to listen on the address and act as an HTTP/3 file server.

The test certificate cert.crt and private key cert.key can be found in the directory ./src/tls/testdata/. They can also be generated using the following commands:

openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out cert.key -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048
openssl req -new -key cert.key -out cert.csr -subj "/C=CN/ST=beijing/L=beijing/O=tquic/"
openssl x509 -req -in cert.csr -signkey cert.key -out cert.crt

More options

You can explore different options by using the -h option for help information.

./tquic_server -h

The output is as follows:

Usage: tquic_server [OPTIONS]

-l, --listen <ADDR> Address to listen [default:]
-c, --cert <FILE> TLS certificate in PEM format [default: ./cert.crt]
-k, --key <FILE> TLS private key in PEM format [default: ./cert.key]
-r, --root <DIR> Document root directory [default: ./]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

-t, --ticket-key <STR>
Session ticket key [default: "tquic key"]
--address-token-key <STR>
Key for generating address token
Enable stateless retry
Disable stateless reset
--congestion-control-algor <CONGESTION_CONTROL_ALGOR>
Congestion control algorithm [default: BBR]
--initial-congestion-window <NUM>
Initial congestion window in packets [default: 32]
--min-congestion-window <NUM>
Minimum congestion window in packets [default: 4]
-e, --enable-multipath
Enable multipath transport
-m, --multipath-algor <MULTIPATH_ALGOR>
Multipath scheduling algorithm [default: MINRTT]
--active-cid-limit <NUM>
Set active_connection_id_limit transport parameter. Values lower than 2 will be ignored [default: 2]
--recv-udp-payload-size <NUM>
Set max_udp_payload_size transport parameter [default: 65527]
--send-udp-payload-size <NUM>
Set the maximum outgoing UDP payload size [default: 1200]
--handshake-timeout <TIME>
Handshake timeout in microseconds [default: 10000]
--idle-timeout <TIME>
Connection idle timeout in microseconds [default: 30000]
--initial-rtt <TIME>
Initial RTT in milliseconds [default: 333]
--pto-linear-factor <NUM>
Linear factor for calculating the probe timeout [default: 10]
--max-pto <TIME>
Upper limit of probe timeout in microseconds [default: 10000]
--anti-amplification-factor <NUM>
Anti amplification factor [default: 3]
--cid-len <NUM>
Length of connection id in bytes [default: 8]

--log-level <LOG_LEVEL> Log level, support OFF/ERROR/WARN/INFO/DEBUG/TRACE [default: INFO]
--log-file <FILE> Log file path. If no file is specified, logs will be written to `stderr`
--keylog-file <FILE> Save TLS key log into the given file
--qlog-dir <DIR> Save qlog file (<trace_id>.qlog) into the given directory

--send-batch-size <NUM> Batch size for sending packets [default: 16]
--zerortt-buffer-size <NUM> buffer size for disordered zerortt packets on the server [default: 1000]


Run the quic client

./tquic_client --connect-to

More options

Use the -h option for help information.

./tquic_client -h

The output is as follows:

Usage: tquic_client [OPTIONS] [URLS]...

[URLS]... Request URLs. The host of the first url is used as TLS SNI

-c, --connect-to <ADDR> Server's address
--local-addresses <ADDR> Optional local IP addresses for client. e.g,
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

-t, --threads <NUM>
Number of threads [default: 1]
--max-concurrent-conns <NUM>
Number of concurrent connections per thread [default: 1]
--max-concurrent-requests <NUM>
Number of concurrent requests per connection [default: 1]
--max-requests-per-conn <NUM>
Number of max requests per connection before re-establishment. "0" means infinity mode [default: 1]
--total-requests-per-thread <NUM>
Total number of requests to send per thread. "0" means infinity mode. Values below number of urls will be considered as number of urls [default: 1]
-d, --duration <TIME>
Benchmarking duration in seconds. "0" means infinity mode. Client will exit upon reaching the total_requests_per_thread or duration limit [default: 0]

-a, --alpn <STR>
ALPN, separated by "," [default: h3,http/0.9,hq-interop] [possible values: hq-interop, http/0.9, h3]
-s, --session-file <FILE>
File used for session resumption
-e, --enable-early-data
Enable early data
Disable stateless reset
--congestion-control-algor <CONGESTION_CONTROL_ALGOR>
Congestion control algorithm [default: BBR]
--initial-congestion-window <NUM>
Initial congestion window in packets [default: 32]
--min-congestion-window <NUM>
Minimum congestion window in packets [default: 4]
Enable multipath transport
--multipath-algor <MULTIPATH_ALGOR>
Multipath scheduling algorithm [default: MINRTT]
--active-cid-limit <NUM>
Set active_connection_id_limit transport parameter. Values lower than 2 will be ignored [default: 2]
--recv-udp-payload-size <NUM>
Set max_udp_payload_size transport parameter [default: 65527]
--send-udp-payload-size <NUM>
Set the maximum outgoing UDP payload size [default: 1200]
--handshake-timeout <TIME>
Handshake timeout in microseconds [default: 10000]
--idle-timeout <TIME>
Connection idle timeout in microseconds [default: 30000]
--initial-rtt <TIME>
Initial RTT in milliseconds [default: 333]
--pto-linear-factor <NUM>
Linear factor for calculating the probe timeout [default: 10]
--max-pto <TIME>
Upper limit of probe timeout in microseconds [default: 10000]
--cid-len <NUM>
Length of connection id in bytes [default: 8]

-p, --print-res Print response header and body to stdout
--dump-dir <DIR> Dump response body into the given directory. If the specified directory does not exist, a new directory will be created
--log-level <STR> Log level, support OFF/ERROR/WARN/INFO/DEBUG/TRACE [default: INFO]
--log-file <FILE> Log file path. If no file is specified, logs will be written to `stderr`
-k, --keylog-file <FILE> Save TLS key log into the given file
--qlog-dir <DIR> Save qlog file (<trace_id>.qlog) into the given directory

--connection-failure-threshold <NUM>
Client will exit if consecutive failure reaches the threshold at the beginning [default: 10]
--send-batch-size <NUM>
Batch size for sending packets [default: 1]
--max-sample <NUM>
Number of max samples per thread used for request time statistics [default: 100000]