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Release Process

The development of TQUIC follows git-flow branching model and adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Branch Regulation

The development of TQUIC follows git-flow, but makes some minor differences for GitHub.

  • For the official repository, developers should follow git-flow .

    • master branch is the stable branch. Latest commit of the master branch is unit-tested and regression-tested.

    • develop branch is the development branch. Every commit of the develop branch is unit-tested, but not regression-tested.

    • release/vX.Y.Z branch is the temporary branch created for release. The code on this branch is undergoing regression testing.

  • For the forked repository, developers don't need to strictly abide by the git-flow. Each branch of the forked repository is equivalent to a feature branch. Specific Suggestions are as follows:

    • Developers synchronize develop branches of the forked repository with that of the official repository.

    • Developers create feature branch from develop branch of the forked repository.

    • After completion of feature branch development, developers submit Pull Request to the official repository for code review.

    • During the review process, developers may continue to modify and submit code in their feature branches.

    • In addition, the bugfix branch is also maintained in the developer's forked repository. Different from the feature branch, developers should submit Pull Request from the bugfix branch to master, develop and possibly release/vX.Y.Z branches of the official repository respectively.

Release Process

Follow the following procedures to release a new version:

  1. Create a new branch from the develop branch with the name release/vX.Y.Z. For example, release/v0.10.0

  2. Tag the version of the new branch with X.Y.Z-rcN (N is patch number). The first tag is 0.10.0-rc1, the second tag is 0.10.0-rc2, and so on.

  3. For the submission of this version, do the following:

    • Modify version information in cargo.toml file.

    • Test the functional correctness of the version. If it fails, fix all the bugs in the release/vX.Y.Z branch, and return to the second step with patch number added by 1.

  4. Complete the writing of Release Note.

  5. Merge the release/vX.Y.Z branch into the master branch, and delete the release/vX.Y.Z branch. Merge master branches into the develop branch.

  6. Tag the latest commit of the master branch with vX.Y.Z


Once a release branch has been created, it is generally not allowed to merge release/vX.Y.Z from the develop branch. This ensures that the release/vX.Y.Z branch is frozen, making it easy for QA to test.


When the release/vX.Y.Z branch exists, merge the bugfix branch into the master, develop and release/vX.Y.Z branches at the same time, if there are bugfix behaviors.